Restore Script for existing database with same number Physical and logical files.
use mytestdb
select @sSQL = @sSQL + 'move ''' + name + ''' to ''' +physical_name+''', ' + char(13) from sys.database_files where TYPE =0
select @sSQL = @sSQL + char(13) + 'move ''' + name + ''' to ''' +physical_name+''','
set @sSQL = LEFT (@ssql, len(@ssql)-1)
Sample Result
restore database MyTestDB from disk ='h:\MyTestDB.bak'
with move 'MyTestDB_Data' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB.mdf',
move 'MyTestDB0' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_1.ndf',
move 'MyTestDB1' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_2.ndf',
move 'MyTestDB2' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_3.ndf',
move 'MyTestDB3' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_4.ndf',
move 'MyTestDB4' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_5.ndf',
move 'MyTestDB5' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_6.ndf',
move 'MyTestDB6' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_7.ndf',
move 'MyTestDBIndex0' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_8.ndf',
move 'MyTestDBIndex1' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_9.ndf',
move 'MyTestDBIndex2' to 'F:\SQL2005\SQLData\MyTestDB_10.ndf',
move 'MyTestDB_Log' to 'G:\SQL2005\SQLLog\MyTestDB_Log.ldf'
Restore Script for fresh database.
Before execute below script, "Ad Hoc Distributed Queries" should be enabled else you will get below error.
SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server Books Online.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 19
Invalid object name 'tempdb..tBakFileContent'.
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
reconfigure with override
Declare @sTargetLogLocation varchar(5000)
Declare @sSQL varchar(8000)
Declare @sDBName varchar(1000)
set @sTargetDataLocation = 'D:\SQLData\'
set @sTargetLogLocation = 'L:\SQLLog\'
set @sDBName = 'MyTestDB'
select LogicalName, right(PhysicalName, CHARINDEX ( '\', REVERSE (PhysicalName),1)-1 )PhyName , Type
into tempdb..tBakFileContent
openrowset('SQLNCLI', 'server=SQLServer01\inst1;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
exec (''restore filelistonly from disk =''''h:\MyTestDB.bak'''''')')as a
set @sSQL ='restore database ' + @sDBName + ' from disk =''h:\MyTestDB.bak'' ' + char(13) + 'with '
select @sSQL = @sSQL + 'move ''' + LogicalName + ''' to ''' +@sTargetDataLocation+ PhyName+''', ' + char(13)
from tempdb..tBakFileContent where TYPE ='D'
select @sSQL = @sSQL + char(13) + 'move ''' + LogicalName + ''' to ''' +@sTargetLogLocation+ PhyName+''','
from tempdb..tBakFileContent where TYPE ='L'
set @sSQL = LEFT (@ssql, len(@ssql)-1)
select @sSQL